The these great week and months of feast season dating should be handle with caring so you dont bo too anxious take it cool as l will be bring you weekly tip on how to make the best out of you dating and relationship works . and the best thing to do is to take action by following the the tip up below

1.Dress well as the feast season is around the corner, In this day and age, there is absolutely no excuse for looking shabby. Dressing poorly shows laziness and will do nothing to make you look good. Furthermore, it shows a lack of respect for your date, who has more than likely made an effort to dress nicely

2.Make an effort to be clean and smell good with good perfunes , Make sure you're clean-shaven (where applicable), freshly showered and smell nice. It costs you nothing except a bottle of good perfume/cologne and some soap and time to apply them greatly.

3.Be as entertaining and witty as possible, and never rely on getting drunk as a fall-back plan. Drinking too much on a date shows that you have no respect for your partner and makes a mockery of the whole situation.

4.Do not assume the person you are talking to is destitute or sadin any way please.

5.Never ever come across as too available or too desperate. He will run a mile. He is the one doing the chasing and if you are the do it deligently alright take care happy dating .
l wish you all happy xmx in advanced.

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